Adopting And Attitude of Gratitude

“At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father.” 

(Ephesians 5:20 AMPC)

When I stop and think about all that God does for me each day, the way he supplies all of my needs and the way is my constant companion, guide, and shepherd, I am overcome with gratitude and thankfulness.  I am certain if you stop and think about all that God has done for you and your life you will feel the same. I have learned that the key to joy, peace, and happiness is thankfulness and gratefulness to God and all that He does for us.

God’s Word teaches that we should not be anxious for anything, and to pray about everything, with thanksgiving (see Philippians 4:6). I have developed the habit of training myself to stop and thank God for all that he does for me each day – little things as well as the big things. He does not have to be good to us but he does. For that fact alone we should be singing overcome with gratefulness. It seems to me that the more thankful and appreciative we are for what God has already done for us, the more He would be inclined to do. Think of five things today you have to be thankful for and voice your gratitude to God.


Father, I am sorry for the times I’ve complained about my life. I am sorry for the times that I took your love and countless blessing for granted. Help me Father to always have a grateful heart and to recognize and give thanks to all the ways you bless me.  I am blessed beyond measure because of your goodness and love for me. I ask You to help me remember how good You are to me at all times. Thank You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.