
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.”

Psalms 32:8 (NIV)


Message and Prayer

For any situation that comes your way that you think you can not handle or that you think you are not prepared for, instead of panicking or beginning to question yourself, say to yourself “I Trust you, Jesus”. Think about who God is in all his Power and his Glory! Doing so will enable you to refresh yourself in the Peace of God’s presence. As a result, circumstances become growth opportunities when you turn instantly to God and affirm your trust in Him. Constantly affirming your trust in Him, will strengthen your relationship with God as you are making clear that he has the Power to turn any obstacle into an opportunity and to instruct you in the steps you need to take to it!


Father, Thank you for the Peace that you give me at all times and in all circumstances when I turn it all trustingly to you. Thank you for both being in me and within me. Thank you Father for going before me opening up the way and ordering my steps. Thank you for always walking alongside me and for being my constant and devoted companion!